The output of this PowerShell script will resemble the following. Enabled protections appear in the output as “True.” PS C:\> Get-SpeculationControlSettings

Technical articles, content and resources for IT Professionals working in Microsoft technologies Aug 23, 2015 · PowerShell -Like vs -Contains. Sometimes it's hard to know when to use which one. This article explains when and how to use -like and when to use -contains. Jun 26, 2019 · The if/then construct is commonplace in PowerShell code but did you know there’s another way called the ternary operator that allows you to make your if/then constructs much more concise? At the expense of readability, some say, the ternary operator builds conditional logic that’s more concise, simpler and with less code. This is a good question and it got an upvote from me. I always upvote SO questions which show up in my google searches and do help me. Those 4 downvoters should really rethink their attitude to easy, entry level questions like this. – ulidtko Jul 17 '12 at 19:08

You can use this variable to represent False in commands and scripts instead of using the string "false". The string can be interpreted as True if it's converted to a non-empty string or to a non-zero integer.

PowerShell will first check the Boolean value of the first condition (specified after if). If it’s true, the code covered by the “if” statement will get executed. If the value turns out to be false, the code covered by the “else” statement will get executed instead. Labels: powershell function return true or false. 3 comments: bijulsoni 14 October 2013 at 23:28. man your article solved my puzzle Thanks for publishing this, Its

Apr 06, 2019 · Good morning all, I was hoping someone may be able to help me, I have two host servers in a collection (RDSH01 and RDSH02) Every day I have to manually Allow New Connections on one and disable new connections for the other, is anyone aware of a Powershell Script which could do this for me?

Test-Path does not work correctly with all PowerShell providers. For example, you can use Test-Path to test the path to a registry key, but if you use it to test the path to a registry entry, it always returns FALSE, even if the registry entry is present. Examples. Determine whether all elements (folders) in the path exist: PowerShell supports many other data types other than string and integer, such as floating-point numbers, decimal, and Boolean values, etc. You don’t have to explicitly declare the data type of a variable; PowerShell automatically chooses the data type at the time of initialization. How-to: Define PowerShell Data Types. The most common DataTypes (type accelerators) used in PowerShell are listed below. [string] Fixed-length string of Unicode characters [char] A Unicode 16-bit character [byte] An 8-bit unsigned character [int] 32-bit signed integer [long] 64-bit signed integer [bool] Boolean True/False value [decimal] A 128-bit decimal value [single] Single-precision 32-bit